Released originally in Japan as X-Bomber, the series follows a small band of heroes piloting an untested spacecraft known as X-Bomber trying to defend Earth against the forces of Commander Makara and the Insectoid army, who are searching the galaxy for the mysterious artifact known as F-01.
Rather than using the marionette string puppetry of other shows like Thunderbirds, this show used the 'rod puppetry' technique to allow more freedom of movement for the figures, and is also the reason why most of the shots are from the waist up.
A couple of little facts about this show - Brian May and Eddie Van Halen recorded a single of the theme and released it as 'The Star Fleet Project'
Jay Benedict, who voices Shiro, played Newt's father in Aliens - Special Edition, also Mark Rolston who played Private Drake in the same movie provided the voice of John Lee. (See pic below for comparison!)