Pete and Pete are two red-headed brothers living in the somewhat surreal town of Wellsville. Pete, the older of the two, narrates the stories about their adventures in everyday life. Will Artie, the Strongest Man in the World, have to leave town? Why does X=Y? Can Pete ever rediscover the Perfect Song? Tune in and find out!
Keep an eye for Michael Stipe of REM in this Episode!!
Some other famous names that made guest appearances were Steve Buscemi, Adam West, Iggy Pop, Selma Blair, Debbie Harry, Janeane Garofalo, LL Cool J and JK Simmons!
The theme tune for this show became nearly legendary due to it's nearly indecipherable lyrics. The third line in particular caused many theories to what was actually sung, but for many years it was kept a mystery, until the actor who played Young Pete revealed what it was on an 'Ask Me Anything' livechat online in 2012, nearly 20 years on from when the song was first aired! (and no, I'm not going to tell you what it is, even though I know!)
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