The sitcom starred Gary Coleman as Arnold Jackson and Todd Bridges as his older brother, Willis. They played two children from a poor section of Harlem whose deceased mother previously worked for rich widower Philip Drummond, who eventually adopted them. They lived in a penthouse with Drummond, his daughter Kimberly, and their maid.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Diff'rent Strokes
While it isn't strictly a kid's show, and more of a sitcom, This show is still fondly remembered by many and I think it deserves a place here on the BCC. It's Diff'rent Strokes!
The sitcom starred Gary Coleman as Arnold Jackson and Todd Bridges as his older brother, Willis. They played two children from a poor section of Harlem whose deceased mother previously worked for rich widower Philip Drummond, who eventually adopted them. They lived in a penthouse with Drummond, his daughter Kimberly, and their maid.
The sitcom starred Gary Coleman as Arnold Jackson and Todd Bridges as his older brother, Willis. They played two children from a poor section of Harlem whose deceased mother previously worked for rich widower Philip Drummond, who eventually adopted them. They lived in a penthouse with Drummond, his daughter Kimberly, and their maid.
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