Based on the comic book of the same name (formerly titled Xenozoic Tales) by Mark Schultz, the show was created by screenwriter Steven E. de Souza (Die Hard and 48 Hrs.), who acquired the TV rights after producing the video game Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, which was also based on Schultz's comic.
The show dealt with many strong ecologicial and political issues that were central to the plot development. One major focus was the question of how the dinosaurs managed to re-emerge after they were thought to be extinct. The series followed the exploits of Jack Tenrec and his crew of ecological freedom fighters known as the Mechanics. His often-reluctant companion is the foreign ambassador Hannah Dundee. She hires Jack as a liaison while she attempts to create clear communication between her land and the modern civilization. Together they confront the serious issues facing the futuristic environment that humanity has come to inhabit. Jack also has Hermes, a juvenile "cutter" that Jack hand reared. Gentle with Jack and Hannah, he can still be rather fierce when angered. The show also includes a race of intelligent lizards called Griths. Jack and his crew square off against opposition including the Council of Governors and Hammer Terhune's gang.
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