Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The Ratties

Next is a cartoon that is a little bit bonkers. I mean in the totally stark raving sense, it's The Ratties!

The Ratties live behind the skirting board in the living room of a pink country cottage. And they're mad. Stark-raving, cross-eyed, bonkers. Tatty, Aunt Hatty, Uncle Matty, Baby Batty and The Fatty Brothers get up to all kinds of loopy mischief as they emulate the human owners of the cottage or enact their own preposterous fantasies and daydreams - like pretending they're cowboys, or circus stars, or attempting to fly, or lord-knows-what-else...
Tatty would dearly like to be loved by humans, but he only ever seems to scare them. Aunt Hatty's a houseproud rat, forever washing and knitting everything and anything she can lay her hands on including the other Ratties. Baby Batty is a genius in a nappy, whilst The Fatty Brothers are geniuses at inventing stupid games and pranks, most of which are targeted at poor Uncle Matty although he barely has the sense to know it.

"The Ratties" series was created by Mike Wallis and Laura Milligan, she being the daughter of the maddest March Hare there ever was or will be, Spike Milligan. What's more, Spike narrates the series and "sings" the title song with its incessant "Ratties" chant. Spike rattles off the narration at a breathless pace, often far ahead of the viewer . It's easy to miss some splendid asides and and additions.

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