Based upon the childrens novel written by Lucy M. Boston, The Chidren of Green Knowe follows the tale of a young boy named Tolly, who goes to live with his great-grandmother. While she tells him stories of his ancestors, he begins to see the spirits of children who lived in the house during the reign of Charles II.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
The Children of Green Knowe
It's the return of the Saturday Matinee Serials!! This week I give you the classic Children of Green Knowe!
Based upon the childrens novel written by Lucy M. Boston, The Chidren of Green Knowe follows the tale of a young boy named Tolly, who goes to live with his great-grandmother. While she tells him stories of his ancestors, he begins to see the spirits of children who lived in the house during the reign of Charles II.
Based upon the childrens novel written by Lucy M. Boston, The Chidren of Green Knowe follows the tale of a young boy named Tolly, who goes to live with his great-grandmother. While she tells him stories of his ancestors, he begins to see the spirits of children who lived in the house during the reign of Charles II.
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