Monday, 21 April 2014


If you had a comic that you could activate with a TV remote to watch your favourite characters adventures, would it be anything like Zzzap??

Featuring such characters as Cuthbert Lilly (he's dead silly), Smart Arty, The Handymen and Daisy Dares this could be described as a 'video comic'.
The show begins with a title intro, consisting of a couple of short clips for each character from the season. It is then followed by a series of short two or three minute long segments, followed by the credits. Each segment is introduced by the camera zooming in on a corresponding panel on a giant comic, shot in reverse (e.g.: The Camera starting at the Panel, and pulling back) and then played in reverse. This giant comic has a set of nine frames on it, some of which contain a character representing their segments. The show was designed with deaf children in mind, and so the style of the show is predominantly visual, with the sound only providing music and effects. The audience in "The Handymen" segments would also often sign clapping instead of actually clapping.
The introduction to Series 1 was filmed in Chequers Shopping Centre in Maidstone showing a boy buying a copy of a comic called "ZZZap!" from a newsagent.

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