The series revolves around Dexter, a boy-genius with a secret laboratory filled with highly advanced equipment hidden behind a bookcase in his bedroom. Access to the laboratory is achieved by speaking various passwords or by activating hidden switches on his bookshelf (e.g. pulling out a specific book). Though highly intelligent, Dexter often fails at what he has set out to do when he becomes overexcited and makes careless choices. He manages to keep the lab a secret from his clueless, cheerful parents, who never notice any evidence of the laboratory.
Dexter is frequently in conflict with his hyperactive older sister, Dee Dee, as well as a rival boy-genius from his school named Susan "Mandark" Astronomonov. In spite of Dexter's advanced technology, Dee Dee eludes all manner of security and, once inside, delights in playing in his laboratory, often wreaking havoc with his inventions. Though usually destructive, Dee Dee occasionally outsmarts her brother and even gives him helpful advice. For his part, Dexter, though annoyed by his intrusive sibling, feels a reluctant affection for her and will come to her defense if she is imperiled. Mandark, Dexter's nemesis, also has his own laboratory, but his schemes are generally evil and designed to gain power while downplaying or destroying Dexter's accomplishments.
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