The show begins when Harry Holdsworth inherits his American great-uncle George's macaw named Madison. At first, the Holdsworth family are not very pleased with their new pet, but they soon start to notice that Madison is no ordinary parrot, and that he is highly intelligent and very articulate. He becomes an instant family member. As well as getting the Holdsworths out of many problems, Madison is also the cause of many too. Terry Crumm hears about Madison's intelligence and sets out to steal him on many occasions, but most of the time Madison foils his plans and saves the day.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Harry's Mad
People believe that their pets are smart, but I bet none of them are as clever as Harry's parrot, Madison! It's Harry's Mad!
The show begins when Harry Holdsworth inherits his American great-uncle George's macaw named Madison. At first, the Holdsworth family are not very pleased with their new pet, but they soon start to notice that Madison is no ordinary parrot, and that he is highly intelligent and very articulate. He becomes an instant family member. As well as getting the Holdsworths out of many problems, Madison is also the cause of many too. Terry Crumm hears about Madison's intelligence and sets out to steal him on many occasions, but most of the time Madison foils his plans and saves the day.
The show begins when Harry Holdsworth inherits his American great-uncle George's macaw named Madison. At first, the Holdsworth family are not very pleased with their new pet, but they soon start to notice that Madison is no ordinary parrot, and that he is highly intelligent and very articulate. He becomes an instant family member. As well as getting the Holdsworths out of many problems, Madison is also the cause of many too. Terry Crumm hears about Madison's intelligence and sets out to steal him on many occasions, but most of the time Madison foils his plans and saves the day.
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